This project is a fork of FF6LE Rogue that now allow many expansion: Tilemaps, Tilemaps max space, max Locations (maps), NPC max space, Exits max space, Event Triggers max space, Chests max space, Chests SRAM bits and Message Names. This version of FF6LE does not add any of the mentioned data (except blank tilemaps and location data to have working new maps), it only allow to have more of the said data in your project.
The default L1 tilemap ID ($15F) on maps $19F to $1FF is shadow's dream (256x256 black map with layer 1 only). Tilemaps $15F to $1FF are all the same, they take $1A bytes of space each. To make the map bigger, you select your new tilemaps ID(s) (L1, L2 and L3 if neccesary). Then you resize the layers (from 256x256 to 1024x1024 as an example) and set the other map properties. Then you can either import tilemaps (which should cover the correct layers sizes) or hand draw.
Settings window
To access expansion, you must load a ROM first. You can select a setting file path. When you click "Expand Maps", the setting file is created. Map expansion give access to Chests expansion. Both expansion have an ASM validation that will prompt a warning message if a ASM change does not have the expected value at its offset.
If you were using Zone Doctor+ or FF6LE+ before, you must check the checkbox before expansion. This will ensure all your data will be carried on from your project.
If you want to use a "vanilla" ROM with this editor, blank out the setting file path and click "Apply". If you want to allow expansion on a new ROM, change the filepath name or choose another directory for your XML file and click "Apply".
Once your ROM is expanded, you can increase the number of banks for tilemap space if at some point you are at the limit of the size originally input.
Settings file
The settings are stored in a XML file. This file is read at editor loading to see if the project has expansions done. It is therefore important to have a valid setting file path in the setting window. I would suggest to not change settings in this files other than location names. Doing otherwise if you are not sure of what each setting does could limit or crash the editor depending on the ROM loaded.
Location names
You can change the names of the maps in the editor. This is mainly to name new maps. This feature doesn't change anything in the ROM, it was made to make map edit easier and to know which map is what. Location names are saved in the setting file. This feature is disabled if your ROM doesn't have the map expansion done. The $XXX
string starting the name is trimmed in setting file and in the editor textbox. It is applied automatically.
Message names
In-Game map names can also be edited. Expansion allow 255 entries and max space is also expanded. Max length for a name is 37 characters. Allowed characters are A-Z a-z 0-9 ! ? : \ ' - . , ; # + ( ) % ~
Maximum Event offsets for Event Triggers and Entrance Events are now $35FFFE ($FFFFFE) instead of $2FFFF ($CCFFFF). his allow to put directly events outside the $CA0000-$CCFFFF range. This feature was not possible for NPC event offsets since the NPC data only allow 18 bits for the event (and not 3 full bytes).
The following bugs were present in the original FF6LE Rogue and were fixed during development of the CE version.
- When setting a location for an exit, value higher than 100 does not have the first digit cutoff anymore.
- The map is now correctly updated when importing a Layer 2 or Layer 3 tilemap.
- Some vanilla tilemaps gives an error when recompressing. This only occur if your force all tilemaps compression by changing the code. I suspect those tilemaps generally not edited does not fit the compression algorithm of FF6LE. Some arrays overflow checks were put in the compression function. However I have never seen an edited tilemap giving that saving error.
- Checksum and reverse checksum is now correctly calculated and written in the ROM. Editor will also show a "(OK)" value for checksum when reloading the ROM.
- When saving all the tilesets, the code would look if tilemap X (instead of tileset X) has been modified, resulting in compressing unmodified tilesets. This is not dramatic but in some case it would lead to having not enough space to save all tilesets. This may also means the compression algorithm in the editor is somewhat different from the ROM one, maybe less efficient?
ROM map
----------- ---- ------------- -------------
Events PTR C40000-C40341 C40000-C40401
Events DATA C40342-C41A0F C40402-C44401
NPCs PTR C41A10-C41D51 YY0000-YY0401
Exits (small) PTR DFBB00-DFBF01 YY9000-YY9401
Exits (small) DATA DFBF02-DFD9FF YY9402-YYCFFF
Exits (long) PTR EDF480-EDF881 YYD000-YYD401
Treasures PTR ED82F4-ED8633 YYE000-YYE3FF
Treasures DATA ED8634-ED8E5A YYE400-YYF3FF
Free Space ---- ------------- YYF400-YYFFFF
Tilemaps PTR D9CD90-D9D1AF D9CD90-D9D38D
Map Properties DATA ED8F00-EDC47F DA0000-DA41DE
Map Names PTR E68400-E6877F DA4200-DA43FF
Map Names DATA CEF100-CEF5FF DA4400-DA68FF
YY = Expanded Data bank
XX = Expanded Tilemaps starting bank
ZZ = XX + number of Expanded Tilemaps banks
Reference ASM changes
;Assuming Expanded Data Banks is $50
;Assuming Expanded Tilemaps Data Starting Bank is $51
org $C01CBF
LDA $DA0000,X
org $C0BCAE
LDA $C40002,X
org $C0BCB4
LDA $C40000,X
org $C0BCBD
LDA $C40000,X
org $C0BCD3
LDA $C40002,X
org $C0BCED
LDA $C40004,X
org $C052BC
LDA $500002,X
org $C052C2
LDA $500000,X
org $C052D4
LDA $500000,X
org $C052DB
LDA $500001,X
org $C052E2
LDA $500002,X
org $C052EB
LDA $500002,X
org $C052F8
LDA $500002,X
org $C05305
LDA $500002,X
org $C05321
LDA $500004,X
org $C0532C
LDA $500004,X
org $C0533A
LDA $500005,X
org $C0535A
LDA $500005,X
org $C05369
LDA $500006,X
org $C05373
LDA $500007,X
org $C0537F
LDA $500007,X
org $C0538A
LDA $500007,X
org $C05397
LDA $500008,X
org $C053AD
LDA $500008,X
org $C053BC
LDA $500008,X
org $C053D0
LDA $500008,X
org $C053E3
LDA $500008,X
org $C04C08
LDA $50E404,X
org $C04C0E
LDA $50E402,X
org $C04BDA
LDA $50E002,X
org $C04BE0
LDA $50E000,X
org $C04BEC
LDA $50E400,X
org $C04BF4
LDA $50E401,X
org $C015DD
LDA $50E002,X
org $C015E3
LDA $50E000,X
org $C015F1
LDA $50E400,X
org $C015F7
LDA $50E401,X
org $C015FE
LDA $50E402,X
org $C01609
LDA $50E402,X
org $C018EA
LDA $50D002,X
org $C018F0
LDA $50D000,X
org $C01903
LDA $50D002,X
org $C0190B
LDA $50D001,X
org $C01916
SBC $50D000,X
org $C0191E
LDA $50D000,X
org $C0192F
LDA $50D000,X
org $C0193A
SBC $50D001,X
org $C01942
LDA $50D001,X
org $C01963
LDA $50D003,X
org $C0196F
LDA $50D003,X
org $C0197B
LDA $50D003,X
org $C0198A
LDA $50D005,X
org $C0199F
LDA $50D005,X
org $C019A9
LDA $50D004,X
org $C019B6
LDA $50D004,X
org $C019C4
LDA $50D004,X
org $C019E5
LDA $50D003,X
org $C01A14
LDA $50D004,X
org $C01A7D
LDA $509002,X
org $C01A83
LDA $509000,X
org $C01A8F
LDA $509000,X
org $C01AAA
LDA $509002,X
org $C01AB6
LDA $509002,X
org $C01AC2
LDA $509002,X
org $C01AD1
LDA $509004,X
org $C01AE6
LDA $509004,X
org $C01AF0
LDA $509003,X
org $C01AFD
LDA $509003,X
org $C01B0B
LDA $509003,X
org $C01B2C
LDA $509002,X
org $C01B5E
LDA $509003,X
org $EE20E9
LDA $509000,X
STA $58
LDA $509002,X
org $EE20FE
LDA $509000,X
org $EE2106
LDA $509001,X
org $EE2110
LDA $509002,X
org $EE213C
LDA $509004,X
org $C02892
ADC #$0000
org $C0289F
ADC #$51
org $C028E6
ADC #$0000
org $C028F3
ADC #$51
org $C0293C
ADC #$0000
org $C02949
ADC #$51
org $C07FFD
org $C08008
LDA $DA4200,X
ADC #$4400
org $C0BB1A
STZ $1E20,X
org $C0BB1E
CPX #$0060
org $C04C1A
AND #$03FF
org $C04C24
LDA $1E20,Y
org $C04C2D
LDA $1E20,Y
org $C04C34
STA $1E20,Y
org $C01602
AND #$03FF
org $C01614
LDA $1E20,Y